Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I’ll be marching, will you?

Good Evening, Fellow Bloggers!

It is Tuesday evening, and I'd like to share what I've been up to these past three days. I hunted down everything I would need to make 30 placards for marchers to carry this Saturday in Washington for the March To End The War On Iraq. This is a huge undertaking, but I think I've discovered the algorithm.

Having said that, the statements have been inputted and the center lines established. There are two sizes of stencil lettering and the first two placards have been pencilled out. As you may know, the most time-consuming part of such a project is the layout. I think I've got that part figured out. Now it is simply a matter of getting 15 done tomorrow and 15 done Thursday.

Did I mention that this is going to be my first march?

We'll make the eight-hour drive to a Metro-accessible hotel in Alexandria, VA, from our home in the boonies. Doesn't this seem like a huge effort? It is, but I seriously see our Democracy under siege. That is a serious and somewhat frightening charge, especially for one who has watched this Democracy amble along year after year, president after president, election after election.

It is different now. In the past four years, there seems to be an evil pall that has descended on our country. It started with the slick Republican convention. The abundance of balloons; indeed, the abundance of everything. Then the sense of fore-boding as the newly crowned administration climbed the steps of the White House, attache cases in hand, ready to begin business. They seemed so anxious, so determined, so single-minded.

We the people, and the opposing party, seemed not to know what hit.

Looking back, one can see the carefully crafted plan that had been in place for years before the final bloodless coup. And a bloodless coup is exactly what took place. From rigged elections to redistricting, the evil-doers were successful. The pseudo-Republican Party wasted no time. The first order of business was to get the wealth returned to the wealthy. Clinton had foolishly attempted to "take from the rich and give to the poor." A Robin Hood theory is fine for a good fiction tale, but wealthy Americans were not amused. Hence, Clinton had to be neutralized. His behavior while in the White House expedited matters.

And so, folks, we find ourselves in a mess. The coffers are empty, we invaded a sovereign country for its oil, the environment is screaming for help, our institutions are threatened, and there is no appreciative government in place. America is a rudderless ship. It will take decades to recover from this coup.