Saturday, November 14, 2015

Dear Dot Calm's Shadow -

When the Supreme Court ruled in last year’s Hobby Lobby decision that some corporations could refuse to provide employees with birth control coverage on religious grounds, it was a troubling victory for extremists.

But now, the situation could get even worse. The Court just announced that it will hear another series of cases that challenge women’s right to birth control coverage. This time, the plaintiffs claim that even filling out a form stating they won’t provide the coverage violates their religious freedoms. It’s utterly ridiculous -- but it could turn into another Hobby Lobby.

That’s why we need your help. Before the justices begin hearing arguments, will you urge them to protect the interests of women, no matter where they work?

Tell the Supreme Court: Protect women’s access to birth control coverage.

The New York Times makes it clear: These cases are “a well orchestrated assault on the right of women to control their bodies, and thus the course of their own lives.”

Across the country, conservative politicians and groups have been attacking women’s right to plan their families with a relentless fervor. From attempts to defund Planned Parenthood, to lawsuits against the Affordable Care Act, and even to physical assaults on abortion clinics, it seems the attacks never stop.

So we can’t stop, either. Please join us in standing up for women.

Will you add your name to tell the Supreme Court to protect access to birth control for women, no matter where they work?

This is a critical turning point for birth control access. We need you on our team.

Thank you,

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