Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Greetings, gentle Dot Calm Readers!

Dot Calm's shadow here again.

Dot is still out of commission, but don't worry:
she's o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-kay!

I'm still filling in as guest blogger.

Since my life has been slammed, too, for the past few weeks, I'm mostly posting funnies today--no articles.

Please don't blame me if some of the cartoons are too true to be funny.

Meanwhile, Dot reminded me not to let you forget that this important event is nearly upon us:

Uterus Registration Day
May 1 to June 22
Don't Be Caught Using an Unregistered Uterus, Ladies
Uterus Gastapo making door-to-door checks starting June 23rd! 