Tuesday, April 07, 2015

According to Rush Limbaugh, women whose birth control is covered by insurance are prostitutes because the rest of society is paying for them to have sex.
Rush, you're such a dick!

He says that that means that he should be able to watch.
Really? You moron. Pity the woman who winds up under a blimp like you!

What it also means is that men whose Viagra is covered by insurance are gigolos--male prostitutes--
because the rest of society is paying for THEM to have sex.
And you know this HOW?

So, according to Rush, we should all be able to watch these filthy man-whores doing the doity deed.
Sorry, Rush--We're off getting abortions.  

Isn't it ironic that Viagra was covered by insurance from the moment it hit the market and birth control wasn't even under consideration until Obamacare?
Ironic? Not ironic, you phat phuck! President Obama is an attorney, making him a rational and fair-minded man.

Makes ya think, don't it?
About what, Rush? What to have for dinner?