Monday, January 15, 2007

Have You Read This Geneva Convention, Mr. Bush?

TVNL Editor's Comments: Have You Read This, Mr. Bush?
Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War

Read this line by line.

You will be absolutely stunned at how many provisions of this Geneva Convention have been totally violated by George W. Bush and his war party. Everyone down to the field commanders are clearly guilty of war crimes based on this one convention. As you read, you will be hard pressed top find even a single clause in which the Bush administration’s cabal has been compliant. It is simply stunning. And what will become clear to you by the time you finish reading this is that our criminal corporate media have been complicit in these crimes in that they have ignored them, even though it is their responsibility to hold our administration accountable to the people of this nation and to the laws of the land!

After watching George W. Bush conduct his affairs and speak in public for the past six years or so, I am not so sure he can actually read. Well, let’s just say I am not sure about how goodly he understands things like words and stuff. But I think that, no matter how difficult it may be, Mr. Bush may want read this--or at least ask his lawyer to read it. But then again, this career criminal has nothing to worry about as long as we have a corporately-owned Congress and media who have no interest in running a legal and legitimate government. Otherwise, Bush would have been arrested many times over for election fraud, conspiracy to commit mass murder on 9/11, etc.

Anyway, just read this, Mr. Bush. It is a no-brainer when it comes to shining a light on the crimes that you have committed.

The document is to long for me to include in this piece, so please click here and read the entire documents. I am sure you will be absolutely stunned at the level of violations you will be able to identify.

Perhaps because I did not grow up in Nazi Germany or communist Russia, I can not imagine a more criminal and corrupt government than the current U.S. administration. Then again, it may just be because there has actually never been a more criminal administration. Think about it!
–– Jesse, Editor of TVNL