Saturday, June 10, 2006

Save the Internet! Save the Internet! Save the Internet!




PLEASE click on the "Save the Internet" banner ad on the left side of this blog--take action NOW!

Friends, we are losing the battle to keep OUR Internet free, fair, and available to ALL. This battle is too important to lose! If we lose the Internet, we lose with it the last chance we have of rescuing our ailing democracy. PLEASE do all you can in this all-important fight ... and then please do some more!

When groups like Move On and the National Rifle Association and everybody in between agree to team up and fight for an issue together, you can bet that most Americans feel the same way. Unfortunately, our Congress, which sits in the hip pockets of the corporations, does not. If Congress won't represent us, then we have to represent ourselves. Please do all you can to save the Internet NOW!!!