Monday, January 02, 2006

Dot Calm’s mailbag

And now … here are two political letters that I have felt compelled to write based on the deep and lasting peril in which our democracy currently falters. The first is one I recently wrote inquiring into the status of the Social Security Trust Fund. Its factual content came from a letter written some time ago by Representative Dennis Kucinich. The second letter is about the deafening silence of our media, which collectively are supposed to act as the American public’s watchdog. Interestingly, while the letter was sent to every major news outlet in America, only The News Hour with Jim Lehrer responded, thus confirming that our media are observing strict silence regarding the issues that really matter to a strong democracy. I am reposting this letter now as an introduction to mention a book that deserves to be read by every American who cares about preserving our democracy. Just keep reading down …

January 4, 2006

(Recipients: my local Congressman and the Ways and Means committee)

Subject: Social Security

Dear Congressman:

Happy New Year! There is a growing concern regarding the status of the Social Security Trust Fund since the April 26, 2005, Ways and Means committee killed a Resolution of Inquiry which would have required the President to produce documentation supporting his oft-repeated claim that there is no Social Security Trust.

If the President’s assertions remain unchallenged, the Administration can continue to drain the Trust Fund of its assets and make true its now false claim that Social Security has no Trust Fund and is going bankrupt. The Administration only needs the complicity of the Congress.

According to the Social Security Administration’s own trustees, Social Security has $1.68 TRILLION in the Trust Fund. According to the bi-partisan Congressional Budget Office, that surplus will grow to over $6 TRILLION by 2028.

The President’s assertion that there is no Trust Fund comes at a time when the Administration has borrowed over $67 BILLION from the Fund. That borrowed money is, in effect, being used to help fund an illegal war and to pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.

It seems to me the President has a Constitutional obligation to uphold the public debt of the United States. Social Security’s financial obligations are, according to the Social Security Trustees, backed by the full faith and credit of the United States.

Will someone please advise me of the current status of The Social Security Trust Fund?


Dot Calm

March 4, 2005

(Recipients: every major news outlet in America, e.g., Newsweek)

Attn: Editor

Subj: The Silenced American Press

I’ve come full circle. Heard about/read about McCarthyism, where American citizens were accused of everything from communist sympathy (ending careers, ruining reputations) to spying (Ethel and Julius Rosenberg). Those were not our finest hours.

I’m struck by the lack of sound and fury--the deafening silence--in today’s press. Intense investigation hounded the Clinton administration daily. Remember? New accusations lodged constantly. Remember Ken Starr? Remember the millions upon millions of dollars that were spent investigating the Clintons during the Clinton administration?

Those people must be hiding something, we thought.

Fast forward to the present administration. Let’s start with the president.

Did he dodge the draft? Did he receive preferential treatment regarding National Guard? Was he ever absent without permission? What was the BCCI scandal all about? Remember the BCCI scandal? How was the Bush family involved in BCCI? Did this president ever engage in insider trading to the tune of $600M with Harken Energy? We imprisoned Martha Stewart for a comparatively paltry $40K. Shouldn’t George W. Bush’s record be investigated as robustly? More importantly, would it withstand investigation?

Then came an image of decent folk smashing Dixie Chicks CDs. Remember why? A Dixie Chick made an unflattering remark, thereby demonstrating a “lack of patriotism.” Better stay in line, we thought, lest we’re Dixie Chicked. How opportune it was that some reporter’s camera was present to record the event.

Our president assures us that he didn’t invade Iraq for its oil. Has anyone from the media investigated why we invaded Iraq? What percentage of voters were for/against the initial invasion? How would those numbers look today? Despite the media’s lack of coverage, anti-war protests began long before the invasion and continue to today. Don’t we as Americans have the right to know what our friends, family members, and neighbors are thinking as they participate in these protests? Don’t we deserve to know that not every American backs this war?

And what about recent voting manipulation in this country--isn’t that an important issue that every American deserves to know about? Why was there a media lock-down on coverage of Republican fraud, misconduct, and abuse during the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections? Don’t the American people deserve to know?

I respectfully include a list of additional subjects begging thorough investigation. Voters in this country, myself included, hunger for the degree of effort put forth during the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal, OJ Simpson murders, and Watergate, to name a few.

The Conyers Report
Job Exportation (Why/Where)
Medicare Cuts and Big Pharm Pork
Fright Mail to Seniors (Discouraging Voting)
Food for Oil Program
Effects of Tax Cuts
Halliburton Profits
Environmental (Nuclear Waste)
U.S. Policy on Torture
America’s Reputation
Military Budget & White Collar Welfare
Privatizing Social Security
Perfect Storm: Fascism/PNAC/Christian Right

These are dangerous times for America; the balance of power has been usurped by a neo-fascist regime. It has been accomplished in a bloodless coup. Please consider exploring/exposing some or all the topics listed above. I’m hopeful aggressive investigation will result in a better future for our country and not the impending disaster that appears inevitable if it continues on the present tack.


Dot Calm